Everything About Starting Positive Sleep Habits from Birth


By Frank Hamilton

Most modern people face sleep problems. Someone sleeps little, someone has lost circadian rhythms, and someone is tormented by insomnia. All this can be a consequence of the lack of healthy sleep in childhood, so it is very important to establish the habit of healthy sleep in early stages.

Many families face problems with getting newborns to sleep at night, and this becomes a source of anxiety. There are several baby sleep tips that are successful to not only solve the problem of sleep in infants but also to establish good habits for the future.

The Importance of Sleep for Babies

For a child, sleep is an important component of the normal and healthy development of the nervous system. During sleep, growth hormone is produced, which is so necessary for the healthy development of the whole baby's body. Moreover, the quality of sleep is also significant. It is easy to notice that after a healthy sleep the baby is more active and has a good mood.

As a lot of parents like to say, when the baby wakes up in a good mood, then the whole family has a good mood. If the baby is naughty all night, then alas, the day will be stressful for everyone.

If you want the baby to always wake up in a good mood, and you also get enough sleep, then it's time to move on to practical recommendations.

Create Comfortable Conditions for Sleeping

Despite the fact that there is no universal answer regarding the conditions for sleeping a baby, there are several conditions that really affect the quality of a baby’s sleep. The only and universal answer is that the baby should be comfortable.


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It is optimal that the room temperature is 21-22 degrees Celsius. Experts do not recommend covering babies up to one-year-old with a blanket or plaid. If you use sleeping bags, it is important to make sure that it provides air circulation and heat transfer. It is also important that these bags are safe for newborns.

Fresh Air

Before putting your baby to bed, take the rule of ventilating the room. Do this regardless of the season, but make sure that there are no drafts or cold air in the room after ventilation.

White Noise

Very often, parents try not only not to make noise, but also not to breathe while their baby is sleeping. But you can use white noise, which will help the child not hear extraneous sounds, and you do your own thing. With the help of white noise, you can create a soothing atmosphere that will lead to sweet sleep.

Comfortable Clothing

The baby must have specialized clothing for sleeping. Clothing should be made of natural fabrics. For instance, cotton maintains optimal body temperature and prevents it from freezing or overheating. Doing so, cotton allows the body to breathe. Also, such a fabric does not create a greenhouse effect.

Bed Linen

The bedding on which the baby sleeps plays an important role. Baby bedding should be of high quality. Hence, bedding will have a direct role in the quality of sleep.

How to Start Healthy Sleep Habits

After all the conditions for a comfortable baby’s sleep are created, you need to figure out how to develop healthy sleep skills in your baby. Here are the following effective newborn sleep tips that have been tested by many mothers:

Learn Signs of Fatigue

In the first 6-8 weeks, the baby will tire after two hours. If you wait more than two hours, then the baby will not have a healthy sleep. As soon as you see that the baby is preparing for bed, yawns and rub eyes, then you should help the baby fall asleep, and not maintain wakefulness.

Day and Night

The kid does not understand the difference between day and night, so your task is to begin to explain this. For example, you should not play with the baby at night. If the newborn will constantly sleep during the day, and stay awake at night, then you need to not give him much sleep. After a while, the baby will understand that night is for sleeping.

Allow Falling Asleep

When the child is 6-8 weeks old, then you need to give the opportunity to fall asleep independently. Put the baby in the bed when he begins to show signs of drowsiness but is still awake. If you keep rocking or lulling the baby every time, then when he gets older, you will not be able to prepare him for sleep without this. Therefore, experts strongly recommend that children be taught to fall asleep without such rituals.

Set a Clear Schedule

When the child is older, it is time to establish a clear sleep schedule. A baby aged 2-3 months will no longer show signs of drowsiness so clearly, so you need a clear schedule.

Make a schedule based on the characteristics of your baby. Some at this age still clearly show signs of drowsiness, so some parents act on the same principle as at the age of 6-8 weeks. And this approach and schedule are the right options.

Use Rituals

At the age of 3-6 months, you can create special rituals for preparing for sleep. For example, it can be a warm bath, quiet games or a lullaby. When you decide on a ritual, it should be repeated every day in the evening. So the child will be able to navigate what is happening and will be tuned to sleep during the ritual.

Wake Up the Kid in the Morning

If the baby sleeps at night for about 10 hours, then in the morning you need to wake him up. Observe sleep patterns at night and practice waking at the same time in the morning.

The Final Thoughts

There is no single recipe for developing a healthy sleep habit in a baby. Each child is unique, so it is important for mothers to focus on the behavior of their child and proceed from their characteristics. Use the above recommendations and then you will ensure a healthy sleep not only for your baby but also for your whole family.



Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at review service Online Writers Rating (https://onlinewritersrating.com/). He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing, and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German, and English.

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