
Harsh discipline is woefully ineffective. I wish more parents understand that. It’s important to set limits and stick to them, even punishments, but the encouragement of good behavior and a far more effective motivator. Positive parenting is a style that...
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Everyone knows that babies develop at different rates. A lot of growth and development, however, takes place during the first year. Your baby will start cutting teeth, crawling, grasping, standing, and eventually walking. The best way to encourage your baby's growth and...
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There is a vast array of diaper bags on the market today. You might find it difficult to choose. There are countless color, style, material, and brand options. At the end of the day, you will have to choose one...
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Talking is one of the biggest milestones in your baby’s development. Your child is growing, learning, and becoming a real person. Soon he will be using his words to express his needs, wants, and affections. You will be able to...
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