Getting Kids to Sleep In Their Own Room

Kids Sleep in Their Own RoomThere comes a stage in almost every child’s life when they simply cannot stand to sleep in their own room by themselves. While at first you allow them to crawl into bed with you a few nights of the week, eventually you need to break this habit. Children need to learn that they can’t rely on you to comfort them every single night. Here are tips for getting your child to sleep in their own room:


Early on, there will certainly be nights where you can allow your child to sleep in your room so they feel safe and comfortable. Since this routine can’t go on forever, making compromises with your child is a great way to begin the transition process.

Tell your child that they can sleep with you for three or four days of the week at first, and then slowly make it less and less as they become accustomed to sleeping in their own bed.

Stay Until Asleep

One way to ensure your child feels comforted by your presence is to simply stay in their room with them until they can fall asleep on their own. Having you in the room will give them that added sense of safety, which will make it a lot easier to sleep in their own bed.

As your child begins to transition to sleeping in their own room every night, you can wean them away by possibly reading them a bedtime story and then leaving while they’re still awake.

Reward System

When a child knows they have the possibility of earning some type of reward or gift, they suddenly become a lot more compliant and willing to try something new. By setting up some sort of reward system that benefits your child for sleeping in their own room through the night, this could make a huge difference.

For example, tell them that they have a special treat or surprise waiting for them at the end of the week if they can manage to sleep in their own bed each night. After a couple weeks of this, they’ll be sleeping soundly without your help at all!

Bedtime Routine

Many times, your child can’t fall asleep by themselves due to the fact that they’re still too wound up and not tired enough. Creating a bedtime routine will not only get your child into a healthy habit before bed each night, but it will also prepare them physically and mentally to be ready for sleep. If you can get your kids to brush their teeth, take a bath, put on pajamas, etc. before they lie down for bed, they’ll be relaxed and tired enough to drift off to dreamland!

Also read: What to Do When Your Child Won’t Sleep In Their Own Room


safe sleep solutionGuest Blog by Joanna von Yurt, Co-Founder and CEO of Swanling Innovations Inc.

Joanna von Yurt is the mother of three intelligent, sensitive, and compassionate girls (who all want to be mommies when they grow up). She is first AND foremost a mom! Professionally, however, she is an accountant, controller and serial entrepreneur.

Joanna has a degree in Psychology from Harvard University with an emphasis in child psychology. She worked as an infant caregiver for 12 years and interned as a Child Life Specialist, family/social therapist, and assisted in clinical studies involving children’s personality and social psychology.

Joanna has a lifelong passion for childcare and child safety. She enjoys sharing her experiences with other parents about sleep routines, attachment parenting, safe sleep guidelines, and children’s natural sleep patterns. Her company, Swanling Innovations, is committed to producing modern, safe and innovative products that meet the expectations of discerning parents. The Slumber Sleeper™ is a 4-in 1 safe sleep solution (mattress protector, flat sheet, fitted sheet and sleep sack all in one) designed to help keep your baby safe, warm and centered.

Joanna always says that a well-rested child and well-rested parents add up to a happy family!

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