What Kind of Dog to Get for the Baby and How to Help Them Become Friends?

What Kind of Dog to Get for the Baby and How to Help Them Become Friends?
What Kind of Dog to Get for the Baby and How to Help Them Become Friends?

By Eliza Sadler,


Most people around the world love adding dogs to their families. They want love, companionship, and security that a furry friend provides. However, they want to ensure that the new pet doesn’t upset them or increase safety issues. Since you are reading this article, you are likely interested in getting a dog for your baby and ensuring that they become friends. Fortunately, several breeds are perfect for human babies. In this post, we are going to discuss the best kind of dogs that you should consider getting for your baby and how you can help them bond. Let’s get started!

Safety of your baby

Before we start discussing the best dog breeds for your baby, you should keep in mind that it’s dangerous to leave a furry friend along with your toddler. Even the most loving and gentlest dog can hurt your child. You should always keep an eye on your child especially if they are interacting with a dog.

You should also keep in mind that dogs do their best to stay dirty. They lick floors, chew carcasses, and lay on the ground. While you can allow your child contact with germs, you should avoid overdoing it. For instance, don’t allow your toddler to put the dog’s paw in his mouth. Do your best to make the introductions brief. And allow intimate contact gradually. Stop immediately if your dog starts showing signs of aggression.

Remember, a dog usually shows his discomfort through body language. Therefore, take your time to understand stress signals in the canine world to avoid serious issues. If the dog is stiff, sits in a corner, or moves his head away from your toddler in distress, you should separate your toddler from him. The interaction between your toddler and dog doesn’t have to be a complicated experience. Being smart and understanding your dog’s body signal is all that’s needed to avoid injuries.

Safety tips on introducing your furry friend to your baby

Here are a few safety tips for introducing your furry friend to your baby:

  • Introduce the baby’s scent to your dog before bringing your baby: All you need to do is bring a blanket that has your baby’s scent from the hospital to introduce it to your dog before having them meet face to face. According to the dog whisperer, Cesar Milan, you should allow your dog to sniff the blanket as you hold it for him to establish that the blanket is yours and he should follow the rules. You’ll need to introduce your dog to other scents such as baby lotion and diapers to name a few.
  • Practice with a baby carrier: You should consider using the baby carrier with a stuffed animal covered with your baby’s blanket to introduce your dog to your baby.
  • Link baby sounds to positive experiences: Since you can train your dog to associate fireworks with fun time instead of danger, you can also train him to associate baby sounds with amazing experiences. Play recordings of your baby’s sounds for your dog to get accustomed to them.
  • Get help: Experts and professional trainers at professional writer service can help in preparing your dog for the arrival of your baby. Professional training is essential for furry friends with a history of aggression or anxiety.
  • Avoid ignoring your dog: Having a new child at home can be stressful. However, your dog needs love, attention, and walks. If you know your dog’s routine is going to change before your baby comes, start making necessary adjustments. Ensure that you don’t neglect regular exercise as this can help in alleviating your dog’s stress.

Best dog breeds for babies

Every dog is unique. Therefore, there are no guarantees that a specific dog will behave according to the characteristic of his breed. You need to evaluate the dog that you intend to introduce to your baby instead of relying on the breed.

1.      Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are excellent at almost everything. They are loyal, loving, gentle, and affectionate. Therefore, they are ideal for families with toddlers. Golden retrievers enjoy hanging out with their loved ones. And they accommodate young children well. However, they require a lot of space since they are an energetic breed.

2.      Labrador Retriever

Labrador retrievers are amazing companions for families with space, energy, and attention to provide to them. According to AKC, Labradors are the most popular breeds in America. They require lots of exercises. And they hate being away from their loved ones. They can easily fit with children because they are easy to train.

3.      Boxers

Boxers are popular for their playful and loving personalities. And they are ideal companions for children. Boxers get along with toddlers and infants fabulously. And they can be trusted to behave accordingly when they are present. Boxers can easily put up with most challenges that arise during playtime.

4.      Pugs

Pugs are excellent companions. They follow people around and they are always looking for a lap on which they can sit. Pugs are affectionate dogs and perfect for babies. However, you need to ensure that a pug is fit for your family before welcoming him. You should avoid leaving your pug alone for a prolonged length of time. They also shed a lot.

5.      Beagle

Beagles are a classic breed in the American household. Similar to hound dogs, they have been wired to work in packs. These packs can consist of children, dogs, or other types of animals. They follow kids around eager to participate in any activity. They are also amazing with toddlers and babies. The biggest issue people have with beagles is their tendency to howl and hoot and the habit of getting into mischief when stimulated insufficiently. Beagles need regular exercise to thrive in a household.

6.      Bulldog

Despite their history, bulldogs are amazing companions for families with toddlers or babies. Bulldogs need a bowl of food, a comfortable place to sleep, and a family to love them. They are good-natured, gentle, and strong enough to withstand abuse by young kids. Due to their build, bulldogs usually suffer from several health problems. They need regular exercise to avoid obesity and other serious health complications.


These are the best breeds for babies and toddlers. However, you should choose a dog based on his personality.

Author Bio:

Eliza Sadler is a professional writer at write my assignment service and RushEssay service with extensive experience, 4 years. She also works as a freelancer and writes a lot of articles. She always focused on doing quality work to achieve her goals and objectives. Eliza is fascinated by the ability to create original works that meet high standards.

Feel free to connect with her on email.