The swaddle is a parenting favorite around the world. With its ability to keep your little one snug, warm and secure, many parents use this method for their newborns to help ease them into the world and encourage more peaceful sleep...
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By Stephanie Parker We were faced with a common parenting dilemma: our new baby Charlotte loved to be swaddled and slept like a baby up until it was time for the swaddle to come off. Our little bundle of joy...
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Many parents are faced with a tough decision: when do you stop swaddling your baby? We know how important sleep is to a baby’s development (and a family’s sanity), so we want to do everything we can to make sure...
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Every parent experiences those moments when there seems to be nothing you can do to calm your fuzzy child. You've tried feeding, changing the diaper, singing, playing, but nothing will stop the tears. All babies are different, so you have...
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We were faced with a common parenting dilemma: our new baby Charlotte loved to be swaddled and slept like a baby up until it was time for the swaddle to come off. Our little bundle of joy had become so...
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