6 Ways to Combat Having Mommy Brain

preventing pregnancy brainDelivering a baby takes a lot out of a mom, and not just physically. Pregnancy brain, sometimes called mommy brain, is a real condition that can affect you postpartum. Studies have tracked moms who feel chronic sleepiness for as much as 18 weeks after giving birth. Typically it goes away on its own, but here’s how you can help combat it.

1. Post-It Notes

Post-It notes are one of the most popular products for a reason — because they work! Leaving yourself notes is another sure-fire way to beat the temporary memory loss. Stick these helpful hints all around the house for specific tasks, or all in one place where you’re sure to see them each day.

2. Nursery Reminders

One of the absolute best spots to place reminders is on the door of your baby’s nursery. In doing so, you’re guaranteed to see these reminders multiple times every day, considering you’ll be taking care of your child all day. Try hanging a white board or using Post-It notes on the door to write your reminders.

3. Leave Yourself Voicemails

In this society where we’re all constantly checking our phones at all times of the day, giving yourself a voicemail reminder is a great way to battle mommy-brain. For the important tasks and jobs that you absolutely cannot forget about, record a voicemail message or voice note on your phone. Not only will you be sure that it won’t go anywhere, but you’re almost certain to see the reminder.

4. Reminisce

Reminiscing on past memories is not only a great way to jog your memory, but it serves as a nice technique to remember some great times you’ve had. Memories beget other memories. Using this technique will keep your mind sharp and will ensure that you aren’t get a cloudy mommy brain after baby arrives.

5. Rest

There will be some postpartum moments that are just unavoidable, and instead of stressing over it, give yourself some rest. Your body and mind have both been through a lot the past nine months and you deserve a break every now and then. Stepping away from the stressful activities and tasks for even just an hour or two will give you the time to relax and focus.

6. Start a Journal/Diary

Keeping a journal or diary to write down your thoughts, stories, memories, and ideas is a very beneficial way to battle mommy-brain. This can also serve as a dual-purpose idea as it will eventually end up being a great piece of work for you to look back on throughout the years.


Guest Blog by Karen Barski, BSN, RN, Mother of five, Certified Infant Care Specialist & Instructor, & Inventor of the Woombie Baby Swaddle

Karen has been an RN for 18 years, and has worked in many different nursing roles. As a Certified Infant Care Specialist, Karen counsels thousands of families yearly on a multitude of issues relating to pregnancy and infancy. Also, as a mother of five, she has invaluable experience and tips to share.

Since 2007, Karen’s company, KB Designs, has invented a line of signature baby swaddle products that have helped parents easily transition their new babies from womb to home. There are multiple designs and sizes so that babies can enjoy the comfort and security of the Woombie up until the time they begin to roll.

Each product has been created and designed by Karen because of a need she identified in her life with her five children. With convenience, safety, and fashion in mind, KB Designs has helped over a half million babies and counting!

For more information, visit www.woombie.com.

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