3 Ways to Keep Comfortable While Nursing in Public
Many moms who breastfeed are hesitant to leave the house with baby because they know at some point the time will come when baby needs to nurse and there is no privacy. While some women are perfectly comfortable nursing in public, there are also moms who require modesty and prefer to be covered up. Mothers should not feel ashamed to breastfeed in public because they all have the right to do so and they are simply providing their infants with the nourishment they need to grow healthy and strong. I chose to breastfeed my son, and now I encourage all moms to nurse their children, and not to be afraid of nursing in public. Here are my three steps for moms to nurse in public while maintaining their comfort, privacy, and modesty.
Step 1: Make sure to have a good nursing bra. For many new moms who start breastfeeding it is common to experience some discomfort or pain within the first few weeks, but you shouldn't let this discourage you from breastfeeding. A great solution is a bra with a pocket located in a pull down flap that holds a warm or cool compress. The pocket holds it all in place so you have nothing shifting around in your bra. The pocket also acts as a thin barrier between the wearer's skin and the warm or cool pack, which increases the wearer's comfort and safety. The patented pocket also holds nursing pads in place. The nursing bras' innovative design is both functional to help ease discomfort and best of all, the styles are pretty and made with comfortable cotton.
Step 2: Understand that nursing in public is not illegal. There is no law in the United States that prohibits a mother to nurse in public - although there are some laws that say how you can nurse in public. There are 28 states that exempt breastfeeding from public indecency laws. To learn more about the legality or breastfeeding in public visit the National Conference of State Legislatures website.
Step 3: Invest in a good nursing cover. A great portable option is the Bebe au Lait Nursing Cover which combines style with function allowing moms to comfortably breastfeed anywhere at anytime. For a two-in-one option, look for a nursing pillow that has a privacy cover. Nursing covers are great but a nursing pillow with a privacy cover will offer you and baby optimal comfort, support and privacy. Mom and baby have instant privacy no matter where they are.
For more information on breastfeeding laws visit http://breastfeedinglaw.com.
Written by Nicole Zoellner from NizoWear.com
Nizo Wear is the first nursing bra to have a unique, patented pocket in the pull-down flap that can hold a heating or cooling pack helping bring moms relief and healing faster while being extremely comfortable and super chic.
Nizo Wear nursing bras were inspired by the real-life experience of the company’s founder, Nicole Zoellner. When Nicole became pregnant with her son, she eagerly read all the materials her doctor had given her about the benefits of breastfeeding. She happily anticipated the feelings of serenity and bonding that nursing promises mother and infant.
So, Nicole set out to do for other nursing moms what no-one had been able to do for her: provide a practical, comfortable way to get relief from the soreness breastfeeding mothers often experience. Her design was patented, and Nizo Wear was born.
Visit www.nizowear.com for more information.
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