There’s a lot of bad information out there about nursing and what it’s like. Here some common misconceptions and their truths. 1. Breastfeeding moms have to follow a careful diet. False. It’s good to eat a balanced diet, but you don’t...
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Despite the fact that breastfeeding a child is one of the most natural processes of being a mother, we still face comments from those who disapprove. When it comes from strangers, it’s obviously bothersome and uncalled for, but can easily...
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For a bunch of years, formula was the preferred feeding option in this country. Fortunately, that's starting to change back to breastfeeding. However, we're left in an odd situation. You see, new mothers typically turn to their moms and women...
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While the benefits of breastfeeding are substantial, you've probably learned by now that it can be uncomfortable at times. When I was nursing, there were some days I wanted to give up, but I knew it was the best option...
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Getting your baby’s nursery ready is a lot of fun. I can remember picking out paint colors, bedding and toys for my baby and being so excited about it! With the internet able to supply you with as much information...
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