The best baby sleepwear is always weather appropriate and designed with the knowledge that infants are not as adaptable as adults to temperature change. As well as losing heat much faster, they’re not yet able to self-regulate their core temperature....
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We’ve all struggled with sleep problems at some point in our lives, but baby sleep is far different from adult sleep. You might think that something crazy is going on when our little ones simply can’t seem to settle, but...
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In the search for safe and stylish baby clothing options suitable for sleep, many parents opt for baby sleep sacks in lieu of swaddle blankets. But if you’re new to the world of baby clothing and swaddle transition products, you’ll...
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by Brittney Stefanic When Baby Can’t Sleep: Stories Takeover I recently had the privilege of taking over the Instagram Stories of Sleeping Baby to host a Q&A session about all things sleep. It was incredible! Thousands of exhausted...
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How should I dress my baby for sleep? This is an important question many parents ask themselves after being told of the various sleep-related dangers infants face during their first year. While many health organizations around the world have released...
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